Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Investing in Sierra Leone

Okay, so I know it has been awhile since I last's just that it's been somewhat of a challenge trying to juggle work, my course load (yes, finals are right around the corner!!!) and some other miscellaneous stuff. Nonetheless, I am somewhat free and ready to post something!

Also, I am facing somewhat of a bitter-sweet moment...over the weekend my car slammed into a curb (it was raining) and it had to be towed to the mechanic. It was in the shop for almost 3 days, I just got it back today. I was elated when I picked it up, that was my sweet moment...but I had to pay $900 to fix it, definitely a bitter moment. *Tear*

Sierra Leone's Vice-President, Honorable Samuel Sam-Sumana, recently visited the United States (I'm not too sure whether or not he is still here) to "meet" the Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora. To my knowledge, one of his key topics of discussion during these town hall meetings was for Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora to return home. He stressed that in 36 months he, the President of Sierra Leone, and their government were determined to "change the face of the country" by God e powa. He admitted though that this 180 degree turn would be a trying task and that the government needs the help of Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora.

In my opinion, this is a great idea. I mean to have Sierra Leoneans who have lived oversees for quite sometime go back and estabilish businesses, which in turn will help to boost the economy, which will then lead to the creation of more jobs, and so on so forth...Ah, the day! Not that I believe that the VP's plea to Sierra Leoneans to come home and rebuild the nation is something impossible or anything, never that! I am an optimist. For me, if I had the capital I would succomb to the VP's plea in a heartbeat. LoL, I have some things in mind when it comes to investing in the country...I just have to figure out some ways on how to go about it...I digress. Yes, but I love what the VP is saying, in fact the APC isn't the first government to bring up this notion of Sierra Leoneans coming home, if I can recall...the SLPP have also shared similar sentiments.

So now that this whole idea is nothing new to us...what is stopping us from investing in Mama Salone? Could it be that we lack the funding to start a business out there (I think I fall in this category), we don't know what to invest in (there are many things to invest in...mind you), or maybe we just aren't opening our eyes to the endless amount of potential that Salone has locked in it and is just waiting to be opened. Whatever the case may be (and I am sure there are many other scenarios that I failed to mention) I just really would like to see some major developments in our country. We can not just depend on the government to do everything for us anymore, it is time that able-bodied Sierra Leoneans in the diaspora do more to help our country. For example, in the America, it is our small businesses that keep our countries economy going (that may not have been the best example with the way things are looking in the US now...but you get the point,I hope...) So in Sierra Leone, I believe that we could work wonders if more of us would also invest in it by starting small businesses. There are so many markets in SL just waiting to be tapped into, will more Sierra Leoneans give into the VP's plea? Who knows...I guess we will all stay tuned and see who is ready to take a chance on Salone.

Until then, keep SL in your prayers...put all of your trust in God and a brighter day will surely come. ~SMOOCHES~

"It does not matter what the future holds, all that matters is that I trust WHO holds the future."

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